Tuesday, September 29, 2009

African oil producers meet in Brazzaville - APPA countries produce more than 98 percent of oil in Africa

The 16-member states of Association of Petroleum Producers in Africa (APPA) include Algeria, Angola, Benin, Cameroon, the Republic of Congo, the Democratic Republic of Congo, Cote d'Ivoire, Egypt, Gabon, Equatorial Guinea, Libya, Mauritania, Nigeria, South Africa, Sudan and Chad.

The APPA countries produce more than 98 percent of oil in Africa, with a combined daily production estimated at 10 million barrels per day.

Source: BRAZZAVILLE, Sept. 29, 2009 (Xinhua) African oil producers meet in Brazzaville on sustainable development --
The 16-member Association of Petroleum Producers in Africa (APPA) is holding an expert meeting in Brazzaville, the capital of the Republic of Congo, to discuss a common strategy for sustainable development.

The meeting, which runs from Monday to Wednesday, coincides with the 38th meeting of the APPA secretariat.

The experts are expected to examine a number of documents including a memorandum on the Eighth Action Plan of APPA 2011/2014.

A grouping of oil producing countries in Africa, the APPA sees much to be done to make it the best tool for socio-economic development for the people and the government of member countries.

" Despite the intended objectives of ensuring that the populations and the governments of the African countries benefit from the stocks of APPA, the association does not have, 22 years since its formation (1987), the required financial resources that can have an impact on the lives of the people and their development," said the representative of the Congolese hydrocarbon minister, Alfred Charles Sockath, at the opening of the meeting.

The 16 member states of APPA include Algeria, Angola, Benin, Cameroon, the Republic of Congo, the Democratic Republic of Congo, Cote d'Ivoire, Egypt, Gabon, Equatorial Guinea, Libya, Mauritania, Nigeria, South Africa, Sudan and Chad.

The APPA countries produce more than 98 percent of oil in Africa, with a combined daily production estimated at 10 million barrels per day.

Editor: Fang Yang


According to the following copy of an email received today, 'Eastern Congo is being destroyed in one hand by rebel groups supported militarily and diplomatically by Rwanda and Uganda. And on the other hand, by armed groups from Rwanda and Uganda who try to resist them inside Congo. There are also armed groups of Congolese origin who try to fight the invasion by neighbouring countries'.  Here is a copy of the email.
Women’s Federation for World Peace
The Ballroom, 43 Lancaster Gate, London W2 3NA
Sunday 20th September 2009

Dear sisters and brothers,

Ladies and Gentlemen,

I am pleased and honoured to stand here in front of you to celebrate this day, the wonderful day of peace.

As you know peace is a state of being quiet. Peace is our common responsibility, a world responsibility.

Women and Peace are the same thing, they get married forever.

It is important that the United Nations (UN) decide a particular date devoted to peace.

Peace is so important to humanity that when it breaks down, basic human rights such as right to live, to security and to freedom cannot exist.

So, it is good to pause for a while and meditate on the state of the world peace, celebrate with those who are able to celebrate but also try not to forget those who are excluded from celebration today.

If in many parts of the world important progress has been made towards peace, we must sadly say that in other areas peace is very far from being achieved.

I would like to focus with you on those hot islands of insecurity, of war, of violence and of human rights abuses where men, women, and children have no cause of celebration today.

In doing so, we can better see who we may build Peace Bridge with and, finally, we will be able to see how peace bridges can be built with the aim of bringing more people to the celebration of next year’s Peace Day.

We know that the UN Resolution 1325 (31.10.2000) made specific provisions for the protection of women during armed conflict. But the reality in the DRC is the entire contrary.

1. What about women in Congo (DRC)

There are many parts of the world where peace does not exist. As it is the case in my country, the DRC. I would like to share with you what is going on in the Democratic Republic of Congo – DRC – with a particular stress on the fate of women and girls.

Women in Congo do not know peace long time ago; but they want peace.

What it happened?

As we know, the DRC is very rich in natural resources. Many western countries and multinational companies seek to control those natural resources. As they did during the slave trade and the colonisation of Africa, they have no intention of taking into account the rights and aspirations of the local populations:

· living as free people
· Having a normal life as human beings
· Having benefits from their natural resources and their trade
· Having a good government
· Peace within and outside of the Congo

These countries and multinational businesses just use violence. They usually help a rebel or a soldier to seize power by force. They assist him to hold power for several years and to become a strong man with very weak institutions, unable to hold him accountable. In fact the “so-called strong man” is a toy in the hands of western powers and of the multinational businesses.

In order to take control of the Congolese resources, some western political and capitalistic powers decided to topple Mobutu, a strong man they had helped to keep office for 32 years (1965-1997).

Since October 1996, the DRC has been victim of several invasions from Rwanda and Uganda. Among the actors of theses invasions, is the current president of the DRC, Joseph Kabila. He is president since January 2001, after the assassination of the then Laurent Désiré Kabila, the auto-proclaimed president of the DR Congo.

According to IRC (International Rescue Committee) more than 5 million Congolese died as a result of the permanent state of war and insecurity created and deliberately maintained by Rwanda and Uganda with the blessing of the International Community. It is worth stressing the specific ill-treatment reserved to women and girls in the eastern part of Congo.

According to MSF (Médecins sans Frontières or Doctors without borders) 200 000 women have been raped including old ladies aged more than 75 years and girls of 3 years of age. Women are easy targets when they go to the fields or when fetching water. They used to dig a hole to hide in when they are under threat of being raped. But many are not lucky enough to escape. How could they when their heads are loaded with wood, water or food for their families. Very often they are gang-raped or simply killed.

Those who are less lucky end up with their genitals cut off or fired at with live bullets. It is frequent that rape takes place in the very presence of the husband and children. Many female family members are raped in the presence of their male family members. As a result, they cannot keep living together. Families are broken and the social fabric of the community is torn apart.

In addition, HIV and other sexually transmitted diseases are intentionally spread as a policy of ethnic cleansing let alone the psychological trauma. Those abuses are being committed every single day for 13 years now but till now none of the abusers has been punished or even investigated.

Because of the massive killings of 1994 in Rwanda, the International Community does not have the courage to stop the Tutsi-dominated regime of Rwanda from destroying lives in the Congo.

Multinational companies are more than happy buying cheap minerals, coltan from Rwanda and timber, gold and diamond from Uganda. Arms’ trafficking has increased in the area, enabling small armed groups to grow. Two violent groups, FDLR opposed to Rwanda and LRA opposed to Uganda are devastating the Eastern Congo: killing, raping, looting and burning villages in total impunity.

As a result more than 1.8 million local people live “in internal displaced persons” camps where conditions are sub-human: no proper sanitation, no drinking water and malnutrition.

In short, Eastern Congo is being destroyed in one hand by rebel groups supported militarily and diplomatically by Rwanda and Uganda. And on the other hand, by armed groups from Rwanda and Uganda who try to resist them inside Congo. There are also armed groups of Congolese origin who try to fight the invasion by neighbouring countries.

It is sad to say that the rest of the Congo is not safe as well. Women and girls are saved nowhere throughout the Congo. Young girls are sold in the borders of Congo-Cabinda (Angola) by the same military forces. Women and girls are abused at the hands of the police, of the army and of the security services. Rape is common place in prison and in police stations. It has become a weapon of war to exterminate Congolese women. And so, massive violations to human rights are taking place in Congo in total impunity (www.hrw.org/en/node/76188/section/6). We need a deep change.

As a lawyer, I used to assist many victims, men as well as women and girls. At one point in time, I felt that the war against those abuses must be fought at a higher level. I decided to stand for presidency of the republic. I still strongly believe that moral and competent leadership is the first requirement of progress.

My struggle was and is to keep our people free, to make an area of happiness for populations, and have a good and accountable government in the rule of law with a great respect for human rights.

But as you know, I was arrested on trumped up charges of inciting an insurrection to overthrow Kabila’s regime, of burning the Supreme Court and of possessing weapons. I was brought before a military tribunal. It is a hard thing to be considered as guilty without committing neither any offense nor crimes. Since my prison I pay more attention if someone is accused.

I always say thanks to the courage of the judges, of my lawyers, the international and national communities’ pressure and prayers done for me worldwide, I was acquitted with my 7 assistants on 30 April 2007.

Prison in Congo is a very painful experience. In addition to being overcrowded, the prison is a very dirty place without proper sanitation or drinking water. Mosquitoes, worms and flies are everywhere. I was kept in a cell next to a stinking toilet. I developed a respiratory infection and was about to die. Thanks to a military doctor and to my family who sent the medicine, I was saved. Many prisoners die of hunger or lack of medical care because the Congolese government does not feed its prisoners and there is no medical assistance provided. Only family members do.

While in prison, a young girl aged 11 was arrested on suspicion of stealing 150 dollars. She was beaten up and raped. I did all I could to secure her release. Congolese prisons are real hell. I wanted to share all this with you because all those victims are voiceless, and of course excluded from celebration today.

I keep shouting on their behalf but their voices will have a better chance to be heard if we are many to shout on their behalf.

On behalf of peace, of world peace and development, the blood regime in the Congo must change for real democracy and help so women and children live in quiet area. With the exceptional force of the women of the world it can be done. I will be grateful if you could put this case on your agenda as well as talk of the endless suffering of Congolese women and, why not send letters to world deciders. We expect from them to take action to stop the killings of Congolese people and the under-development of the Congo with Kabila’s regime.


The first step to building peace is to become peace agents ourselves. We need to become peaceful people inside and around us and to take action to prevent the breakdown of peace and actively contribute to rebuild it with all our abilities. As individuals we need to be aware of what is going on in some troubled places of the world such as Somalia, Nigeria, Darfur, Iraq, Iran, Afghanistan, and the Congo and decide to do something about peace in those areas. For example, we support the Iranian women of refugee camp of Ashraf in Irak by standing before the USA Embassy here in London since July 2009.

We may just choose to raise awareness or to organise events in support of women and children affected in those places. We need to be creative and to show active solidarity.

Secondly, I believe that our organisations, our churches and mosques need to work together towards peace-making and support for victims. More will be achieved when we join together to raise awareness or support victims.

Finally, working in a network with organisations and individuals who are in direct contact with those affected in troubled places will make a significant difference. I know from my own experience how hard is to fight injustice and human rights abuses from inside. Very often you end up fighting against powerful people, in high position, cruel and arrogant. In conditions like these, the backing of an outside network can be very helpful.

Those who work on the grass-roots level in troubled areas need our moral, financial and psychological backing. In doing so, we can save many lives from death or prison. Then we will be able to bring more women, men and children to celebration next year.

Women of Africa and of the world, let us stand together for peace.

Thank you for listening.

Marie-Therese Nlandu
Human Rights lawyer
Amnesty International Prisoner of conscience 2006-7

Monday, September 28, 2009

Oil to be found on Congolese side of Uganda's Lake Albert? (Tullow Oil)

SO far 800 million barrels of oil have been confirmed in Uganda, with an estimated total value of $50b. Ibrahim Kasita and Els De Temmerman interviewed Aidan Heavey, founder and chief executive officer of Tullow Oil, about the challenges and opportunities of the oil find for Uganda and East Africa. Full story at Uganda Watch. Excerpt:
You have just completed drilling the Ngassa-2 well on the shores of Lake Albert. How much oil do you estimate is under the lake?

Ngassa-2 is a huge structure. It runs out for about 150km2. We just drilled from the shoreline into the top of the structure and that gives an indication of what is there. We don't know exactly how much is there. It needs extra wells drilled out into the lake to establish the exact amount. But the range we are looking at is 100 million to 400 million barrels. That is only on the Ugandan side of the lake.

So there could be as much oil on the Congolese side?

We have no information at all on Congo in terms of seismic data or what the prospects are.

But from your experience, when there is oil on one side of the lake, is there also oil on the other side?

Absolutely. there should be oil on the Congo side. 
Would it make sense for the oil wells in Southern Sudan to be connected to Uganda?

It might make sense if you had a central hub for distribution in Uganda and have other countries linked to that central hub. That would be a cost-effective way of doing it. It would be great to have the cooperation between all the countries in the region through a central hub. That is one option. That would require the various governments talking to each other and putting together a central hub. If that is the way the governments want to go, we will work with that.
See Wikipedia info on Lake Albert and map Rivers and lakes of Uganda